Tuesday, August 21, 2012

moving day!!

YIPPPPEEE!! YAHOOOOO!!! I have moved into my house :) Its a beautiful thing to have a closet FULL of clothing and shoes. Who knew that things that "insignificant" could become so special when all you've had are the two plastic buckets of athletic clothes you have lived out of for the past three months. Carpet was laid on the 15th and we moved in three days later. My "little" brother is living across the hall from me...who knew that would be so fun?!? Our guest room is sitting empty, waiting for two sets of bunk beds. Ahh...so exciting. PLUS, my good buddy Gordon came into town to help on the house for a few months. Who knew that one set of hands would make such a difference?!? We are finished with the kitchen and have knocked a wall out of the laundry room. Needless to say, the house is starting to come together!! Here are a few PICTURES!!!

Originally painted the kitchen this color ONLY to realize it looked like a Mexican Restaurant, so...

We calmed it down a bit...now a nice sky blue :)
Dining Room PRE change :)

Dining Room AFTER paint and staging...hardwood coming SOOOOON :)

Cabinet at the end of the hallway 

Deep cleaning all the windows 

Grandpa made his own homemade paint shop

New and Improved House Numbers 

Guest Room Post Carpet

My first guests Liv and Kat!! WOOO HOOOO!!!

Laundry room BEFORE we (they) took the shelf out

Laundry Room POST the removal of the pointless shelf

My room :)

Painted the front door purple 

 My new hall light!

My roomate isn't so clean...I guess you can expect much out of a college kid. I'm gonna try and get ahold of his mother to see if she can do something about it...

JUST KIDDING...I LOVE living with my little brother. It's been a blast. He's the best!

 We have dishes!!

Gordon built my new pantry 

My gramps worked SO hard on my chevron wall. I LOVE it!!!

Woo. HUGE shout out to the grandparents who have literally been the driving force behind this project for the last two weeks. My pops has also been CRAZY helpful...working on plumbing...endlessly sanding. Man. If I've learned ONE THING from this project, it's that I am surrounded by the COOLEST, hardest working people EVER. Seriously...I dont think I would have even figured out how to get into the front door yet if it wasn't for them :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

color explosion.

Ahh...I have come to a conclusion. Extreme Makeover, Home Edition is all a lie. Seriously. They must make those poor volunteers wear the same clothes and do the same hairstyles for days on end to pull it off, but there is NO WAY they are completing a house in one week. Bah!!! It's taken us over ten days to paint my house. I say us, but really I mean my father. The ten days thing, TOTALLY my fault...but he's doing all the work. Let's clarify that part. Of course, any excuse I could find to not be doing the house, I did, so that also extended the wait time. AND THEN, we find out the paint they used before I came along was WACK so we get to go back, scrap and sand ALL the mill work and start over. Needless to say, I am constantly running Pastor Tim Burt's pod cast (definition of patience is CHEERFUL ENDURANCE) through my head. It's been good. my flesh sucks. but it's been good :) I obviously took the day off on Wednesday to go eat Chick Fil A for lunch and dinner. Now, before I start a huge uproar, let me just clarify that I did not go to show my hatred towards gay marriage. Do I support it...no. I went in support of a company who was willing to take a stand on a BIBLICAL issue, knowing it would cause a big uproar. *exits soap box. so I am continuing to scrap paint, sweat like an overweight, UNDERPAID construction man and count the days until help arrives. Grandma and Grandpa come Wednesday...Gordon, the 15th, and my good buddy Aaron is coming in the month of September. I'm spoiled. I have one more week before school starts so obviously I am crunching in as much of that as well. Its that constant struggle of "Do I go paint my house or set up my classroom??" Painting the house has won the last two weeks so my classroom (AND CLASS PETS WHOM I HAVE FORGOTTEN TO FEED OVER THE PAST MONTH) need some TLC. We've finished painting the house which is super exciting. Due to the mill work drama, I had to postpone my carpet installation a week...if you are my employer and reading this, please understand why I show up in shorts and a t-shirt for the first week of school. All my nice clothes are still packed neatly (debatable) away in storage. Bah! Summer is almost over. WHAT?!? Carpet is getting installed in the three bedrooms on August 16th. Pumped about that. Decided I am going to make (and by me, I mean Gordon) two different sets of bunk beds for the guest room so we can house visitors in mass at any point. Feel free to start planning your vaca now!! And here are some pictures...:)

Dining Room, Post Paint (new light fixture to come)

Smoke stained ceiling. Super fun.

Don't you worry...the entire ceiling used to be white.

Shelves, PRE paint

Now they're all a nice mocha brown

Where all the shelves will eventually end up.

Made the handles for the shelves turquoise. super pumped about that decision.

My room after a nice coat of paint...

Decided to add a bit more color.

Guest room closet and wall color.

Spencer's room.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

the (WO)man cave.

Well...after a solid two weeks in, I realize my lack in patience. I so wish I could just close my eyes, snap, twirl around a few times...and WOOSH...the rooms would be painted, decorated, and I would by laying on my (nonexistent) couch. Not happening though. We finally got to the place where we could mask everything off and start to PAINT!! Wahoo!!!!!! Little did I know how much energy was required to do even that. This week, I've learned how to hang dry wall, spackle, caulk window seals, paint cabinets, epoxy the garage floor, and put in a lock. I would say that I didn't ever think that would interest me, but shockingly, I am kinda enjoying myself. The garage looks FANCY...the males in my family love it. It does nothing for me...my heart doesn't pitter patter when I look at the nice grey floors and pristine white walls, but I do appreciate its cleanliness.The employee's at Lowe's are still getting their quality "CT time." I went four times today...FOUR folks. I can even tell you where the wall patches are. Who, in their LIFETIME, really needs to know that the wall patches are located on aisle?? I DONT. Anyways...lots of moving. Unloaded my storage unit into the garage. It was decided that "the wall" in all its glory would just be covered. We put dry wall over it, and I must say...the house is sadly not as exciting. And let the picture journey commence.

Cabinets in my brothers room BEFORE paint

A little paint sure goes a long way...

This has NOTHING to do with my house. I just think my dogs are SO stinkin' cute!!

The drywall to hide the wallpaper

Who knew drywall dust was SO disgusting???

Oh...you know...just taking some muriatic acid to my garage floor in hopes it will etch the concrete.

Still etching away...

After the epoxy!!

Handles PRE paint...

This is what the water looked like AFTER i just put the handles in. GROSS.

Post paint.

This is the store that I have spent so much time in.

Just painting the garage...NO MORE PINK. Just your regular ol' white.

Dad getting the primer ready.

Taping up the house for PAINT!! YIPPPPPPEEEEE!!!!

Still working...

Goal for tomorrow...GET UP THE PRIMER. Home Depot comes Monday to measure for carpet in the three bedrooms. That's when it will get real. Woo!!!